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2024 Events


    *Please refer to your 2024 Yearbook for contact information on any of the events listed below.


Complimentary Day Pass —Two passes for up to six members each at Royal Botanical Gardens in Hamilton

Horticultural Design Workshop — Thursday, April 18

1:00 pm to 4:00 pm — Cost for members: $40.00 plus materials

Trinity United Church, 400 Stevenson St N, Guelph

Michelle Goff, a trained horticulturist and judge, will be demonstrating how to create distinctive design types that are part of the mini shows. Workshop participants will then try their hand at creating a parallel design. Participants will need to bring their own container, floral supplies and tools needed to create the design. A list of the supplies required will be provided to participants.

City Greenhouse Tour — Saturday, May 4

Meet at 10:00 am in the Riverside Park parking lot off of Woolwich St. by the main washrooms

Andrea Harris will take us on a 1 hour tour of the city greenhouses, and discuss greenhouse propagation, new cultivars and techniques that the Parks Horticulture Section are using.

Society Plant Sale — Saturday, May 18

Guelph Farmers’ Market
Come early — plants sell quickly

Garden Showcase — Sunday, June 9

You will enjoy this self-guided tour of outstanding Guelph and area gardens. This popular event is great value for money priced at $15. There will be one country property and a bonus of one more garden to make a total of 9 gardens. Continuing this year is the opportunity for neighbourhood “walking tours”. Three pairs of gardens are located side by side or across the street from each other. Guests can easily stroll through these neighbourhoods observing beautiful boulevard gardens along the way.

As always there is a wide variety of garden styles and an interesting diversity of plants to discover. Explore creative ideas in design, eco practices, vegetable growing, garden structures and art objects integrated into the landscape. Enhance your experience of the gardens with local artists displaying their artwork and local musicians playing as you wander. Learn and satisfy your curiosity by posing questions to the Garden Owners, Garden Minders and Master Gardeners who are available to share their knowledge and expertise with you so you can adapt these ideas into your own home garden.

See website, for garden locations and ticket outlets.

Annual Summer Flower Show — Saturday, June 22

Old Quebec Street Shoppes, 55 Wyndham St. (downtown Guelph)
See page 22 of the 2024 Yearbook for the entry schedule.

Plant Propagation by Cuttings Workshop by Glen Cox — Saturday, August 10

10:00 am to 12:00 pm

The workshop will include a tour of the garden containers and a discussion of cultural needs with an introduction to the various pelargonium and fuchsia varieties. The workshop will also include a demonstration on taking cuttings of various plants in the garden.

Maximum number of participants is 15. First come first served.

For the love of Monarchs Tour of Cecilia Meiering’s Garden — Saturday, August 17

1:00 pm to 3:30 pm at 25 Hales Crescent.

She is truly committed to the survival of this at-risk species and readily shares her knowledge. You may even find yourself becoming a passionate advocate as well; particularly as Cecilia offers you a milkweed plant to create your own backyard habitat, or a chrysalis to protect and nurture as you too help in the preservation of this remarkable species.

Cecilia is inviting you to visit her garden

Limited to 20 people, members only

Hypertufa demonstration with Krystina Czernicki — Saturday, August 24

1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Hypertufa is popular for making garden ornaments, pots and landforms. It is relatively light compared with terracotta or traditional Concrete and can withstand harsh winters

Containers made from hypertufa are wonderful for displaying rock-garden plants or succulents Over time, the hypertufa ages gracefully, collecting a patina of mosses and lichens.

Krystyna will demonstrate how she makes dish-garden planters, toadstools, leaves and she will show how to accessorize with cement birds and turtles.

Maximum number of participants is 15

Cost $5 each

 Penny Table Evening — Tuesday, November 26

Doors open at 6:30 pm. Dublin Street United Church

Penny Table items are to be at the church by 7:00 pm.
7:30 pm. Meeting starts.
Speaker: Stephen Huack will be presenting  "Floral / Holiday Design Demos".
Penny table prizes to be won.